A major innovation in the website relaunched in 2017 is a blog category dedicated to recipes for patients in braces. I want to make sure patients have inspiring food as they adapt to braces.
Nutritionist Farzanah Nasser is creating recipes which ensure patients get all the goodness they need at the same time as being easy to eat. Recipes by Farzanah will go out in the monthly newsletter to patients.
The clinic’s blog now has six categories with readymade content. The other blog categories are: For Patients, For Professionals, News, Dental Health and Patient Stories and all have a readymade bank of content. Testimonials from patients are no longer spread around the site but grouped in the Patient Stories category with videos and links to blogs mentioning LLOC.
It’s our clinic’s third website in 11 years and as part of the redevelopment it has been moved to a WordPress platform to promote optimisation. During the last few months I have blogged about the process. My posts are called My Natural Search Manager and Me and WordPress and Websites.
The planned migration of the site has involved weeks and months of hard work. I hope the result is a helpful resource for anyone interested in orthodontic treatment. I’m very grateful to all those who have done a lot of the hard work behind the scenes and am delighted with what’s been delivered. The acid test will be the response of patients.